Project Title: RESILIENT RESPONDERS: Psychological Resilience and Support for Personnel in Charge after Natural Disasters
Grant Provider: European Union
Grant Programme: Erasmus + KA2_220_ Cooperation Partnerships in Adult Education
Project Number: 2023-2-TR01-KA220-ADU-000180454
Start: 01-06-2024
Finish: 31-05-2026
Project status: Ongoing
Duration: 24 Months

Consortium Members:
Lead Applicant: Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University (Türkiye)
• Asociación Ahora Ong (Spain)
• Institute Of Entrepreneurship Development (Greece)
• Trend Education NGO (Türkiye)
• European Grants International Academy Srl (Italy)
• Associacao Animam Viventem (Portugal)
‘The Resilient Responders’ project is a multi-disciplinary training and capacity building initiative designed to make community first responders more resilient to unforeseen challenges in disaster situations. With the financial support provided by Erasmus+, this project will lead to the development of new resources in the field of disaster response and will aim to reach a wide audience. ‘Resilient Responders’ project is of great importance in terms of protecting and strengthening the mental health of disaster responders, increasing their ability to cope with post-traumatic stress and thus contributing to more effective and efficient disaster management processes.
Target Groups:
• Disaster Management Personnel: First responders, emergency personnel, and disaster management professionals receive psychological resilience training and support.
• Trainers and Facilitators: These individuals deliver the training programs to responders, ensuring effective skill acquisition.
• Disaster Response Organizations: They benefit from shared best practices and resources to enhance support for their personnel.
• Stakeholders and Policymakers: Policymakers and government agencies use the project’s outcomes to inform disaster management policies and decisions.
SO1. Develop tailored psychological resilience training programs and modules for disaster response personnel.
SO2. Deliver customized psychological resilience training programs to personnel engaged in disaster management and response.
SO3. Disseminate best practices and resources for psychological support in disaster management to a wider audience.
SO4. Create a digital platform for the project to facilitate online access to training materials, resources, and knowledge-sharing events.
WP1: Project Management and Coordination
WP2: Tailored Training Programs and Educational Materials, Curriculum and Modules
WP3: Actual Implementation of Training Programs, including Workshops and Seminars
WP4: Organizing Knowledge-sharing Events and Capacity Building
WP5: Digital Platform Development
WP6: Transnational Project Meetings
R1. Comprehensive Training Programs: Development of psychological resilience training programs and modules.
R2. Specialized Curriculum: Creation of a curriculum covering stress management, trauma resilience, and emotional well-being.
R3. Effective Training Implementation:Successful delivery of psychological resilience training programs.
R4. Enhanced Psychological Well-being:Equipping personnel with improved coping skills, emotional well-being, and readiness to manage psychological challenges.