Grant Scheme for Local Projects Program (GGP)” has been implemented by the Japanese Government in the underdeveloped and developing countries since 1989 under the “Japan Official Development Assistance (Japan ODA)”.

The aim of the program is to provide non-refundable financial assistance for development projects designed to meet basic human needs. Within the scope of the program, local projects were carried out in 140 countries and regions

Turkey’s agreement regarding the implementation of the State Program between Japan and Turkey was signed on September 11, 2000. The program is being implemented in Turkey since that date. Financial support of the Grant Scheme for Local Projects is provided after the projects are reviewed and evaluated according to the following criteria.


Funding Information

  • ●  The maximum amount of grants available per project is 10 million Japanese Yen. (10 million Japanese Yen is approximately 90,000 USD.) Value Added Tax (VAT) within the scope of the project expenditures is not covered by the Embassy.

  • ●  The VAT amount must be paid by the applicant or the project partners to be determined by the applicant. For this reason, project budgets should be prepared as maximum 90.000 USD (excluding VAT).
  • ●  Note: The amount can be updated according to announcement periods

Priority Regions

  • The project applications will be accepted from all regions of Turkey, the project can be applied anywhere in the country. However, priority will be given to Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia regions.

Sector to Benefit from the Project

  • Projects should target the disadvantaged sections of the society and have an impact at the local level. It should also be taken into account that applicants should not be the only sector to benefit from the project.

Project Topics Accepted

  • Projects should be geared towards meeting basic human needs in issues targeting disadvantaged groups in the community. The accepted project topics are as follows.

  • ●  Capacity Building and Training: Vocational training, capacity building programs for private communities
  • ●  Primary Health: Development of preventive health services, renewal of health centers equipment and provision of new equipment
  • ●  Disabled: Private schools or centers for the disabled, production workshops
  •  Womenin Development: Skill development, vocational training and rehabilitation centers targeting women development in the region
  • ●  Public Benefit / Other Disadvantaged Areas: Private care centers for elderly, nursing homes, educationand rehabilitation centers for children and youth, facilities for street children or orphans.