Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA):

Pre-accession financial support is a program provided by the European Union to support Turkey’s preparation process for EU membership. This program aims to contribute to Turkey’s compliance with EU standards, effective utilization of EU funds, and support policy reforms. Pre-accession financial support includes various grant programs to implement projects in different sectors, strengthening cooperation between Turkey and the EU. Project applications are jointly evaluated by the EU and Turkey, and eligible projects receive financial support. The program aims to advance Turkey’s social, economic, and democratic progress and strengthen its perspective for EU membership.

Ministry of Industry and Technology Innovative Product and Technology Support Programs:

The Ministry of Industry and Technology organizes grant programs to support innovative product and technology projects initiated by private sector companies in Turkey. These programs promote research and development activities, support technology transfer, and aim to increase Turkey’s competitive power. Companies can apply to these grant programs to implement innovative projects that contribute to the growth and competitiveness of the country.

Ministry of National Education Project-Based Education Programs:

The Ministry of National Education organizes grant programs to encourage the participation of teachers and schools in project-based education activities. These programs aim to promote active student participation in learning, develop teaching methods for educators, and improve the overall quality of education. Teachers and schools can apply to these grant programs to implement projects that foster creativity and problem-solving skills among students.

Ministry of Environment and Urbanization Environmental Grant Programs:

The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization organizes various grant programs to support projects related to environmental protection and sustainable urban development. These programs encourage the reduction of environmental pollution, preservation of natural resources, and the promotion of eco-friendly technologies. Municipalities, NGOs, and the private sector can apply for these grant programs to implement environmentally friendly projects and contribute to Turkey’s environmental sustainability.

Ministry of Youth and Sports Youth Project Support Program:

The Ministry of Youth and Sports organizes grant programs to support social, cultural, and sports projects initiated by the youth. These programs encourage youth entrepreneurship, active participation in projects that benefit society, and the development of social responsibility. Youth centers, sports clubs, and other youth groups can apply for these grant programs to implement projects that have a positive impact on the community.

Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Services Social Service Grant Programs:

The Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Services organizes various grant programs to support social aid and social service projects. These programs aim to improve social services for disadvantaged groups, promote social aid and solidarity, and address social issues within society. Social service organizations, foundations, and NGOs can apply for these grant programs to implement social aid and service projects and contribute to the well-being of society.

Ministry of Culture and Tourism Cultural and Art Grant Programs:

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism organizes grant programs to preserve cultural heritage, support cultural and artistic events, and develop cultural tourism in Turkey. These programs promote artistic activities, raise awareness about cultural values, and diversify cultural activities. Artists, cultural associations, museums, and tourism businesses can apply for these grant programs to implement cultural and artistic projects, enhancing Turkey’s cultural richness.

Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Renewable Energy Grant Programs:

The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources organizes grant programs to promote the use of renewable energy sources and increase energy efficiency. These programs encourage the implementation of innovative projects in the energy sector, support sustainable energy policies, and develop environmentally friendly energy solutions. Energy companies, research centers, and organizations related to the energy sector can apply for these grant programs to implement innovative energy projects and contribute to Turkey’s energy independence.

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Agricultural Development and Support Grant Programs:

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry organizes grant programs to support agricultural production, promote rural development, and provide financial assistance to farmers. These programs aim to improve agricultural infrastructure, increase agricultural production, and support agricultural marketing activities. Farmers, cooperatives, and agricultural enterprises can apply for these grant programs to implement agricultural projects and contribute to Turkey’s agricultural development.

TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Grant Programs:

TÜBİTAK organizes various grant programs to support Turkey’s scientific and technological development. These programs aim to encourage academic research, provide financial support to scientific and technological projects, and enhance the competitiveness of researchers in the country. Scientists, academics, and private sector employees can apply to TÜBİTAK grant programs to carry out research projects and make significant contributions to increasing Turkey’s knowledge base.

KOSGEB (Small and Medium Enterprises Development and Support Administration) Grant Programs:

KOSGEB offers various grant programs to support the development and competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in Turkey. These programs assist businesses in implementing innovative projects, increasing production capacities, and facilitating exports. Additionally, they provide support in technology transfer, marketing, and sales. Companies can apply for these grant programs to present competitive and sustainable solutions through innovative products and technologies.

Agricultural and Rural Development Support Institution (TKDK) Grant Programs:

TKDK organizes various grant programs utilizing the funds from the European Union to support agricultural and rural development in Turkey. These programs aim to enhance agricultural activities, improve rural infrastructure, and increase the competitiveness of farmers and businesses. Agricultural enterprises, farmers, and cooperatives can apply to TKDK grant programs to implement agricultural projects and contribute to the economic and social development of rural areas.

Turkish Health Institutes Presidency (TÜSEB) Grant Programs:

TÜSEB organizes various grant programs to promote scientific research in the health sector, provide financial support to innovative projects, and enhance the quality of healthcare services. Academics, researchers, and healthcare institutions can apply to TÜSEB grant programs to implement significant projects in the field of health, contributing to Turkey’s progress in the health sector through scientific and technological advancements.

Social Aid and Solidarity Foundations:

Social Aid and Solidarity Foundations across Turkey organize grant programs to implement various social aid and support projects. These programs aim to assist disadvantaged groups, strengthen the culture of social aid and solidarity, and improve the welfare of society. Foundations provide grants to institutions and organizations working in the field of social aid, supporting social responsibility projects.

Presidency of Religious Affairs Social Aid Grant Programs:

The Presidency of Religious Affairs organizes grant programs to support the culture of social aid and solidarity, assist those in need, and implement social service projects. These programs aim to enhance social services for disadvantaged groups, foster social solidarity, and address social issues. Religious foundations, social aid organizations, and NGOs can apply for these grant programs to implement social aid projects and contribute to the well-being of society.

Development agencies' grant programs:

Development agencies’ grant programs are financial support initiatives that focus on promoting economic and social development at the local and regional levels. These programs aim to address the region’s economic, social, and environmental needs by providing support to projects. They strengthen economic development, enhance social welfare, promote infrastructure and environmental projects, and prioritize tourism and cultural heritage. Applications are evaluated based on project suitability and sustainability, and eligible projects receive financial assistance. Grant programs encourage local stakeholders’ participation, fostering collaboration in regional development strategies and strengthening social cohesion. These initiatives serve as essential tools in supporting the country’s local-level development.