Inclusion & Diversity

We Embrace Our Differences: Empowering Through Inclusivity!

TENGO promotes cultural diversity and understanding through various projects and multilingual educational activities. By focusing on the education of girls and women, we contribute to gender equality in society. Additionally, we aim to enhance tolerance and respect by fostering understanding towards different sexual orientations and identities. Through our initiatives supporting the education and empowerment of disabled individuals, we provide accessibility and equal opportunities. Overall, we strive to embrace diversity in society through inclusive approaches and awareness-raising events.

Cultural and Social Diversity

Our association carries out projects and activities that promote understanding and harmony among different cultures. We value language diversity and implement projects that offer education in various languages, contributing to an inclusive and diverse society. We organize activities to support the education and integration of immigrant and refugee communities. Through our efforts, we aim to enhance cultural awareness and appreciate the diversity that enriches our society.

Gender Equality

We lead projects and initiatives that support gender equality in society. Our work involves empowering girls and women through educational programs, fostering gender equality awareness, and advocating for equal opportunities. By organizing awareness-raising events, we encourage the community to actively combat gender discrimination and work towards a more equitable society.

الإدماج الاجتماعي

تنفذ (تنجو)  مشاريع تعزز التسامح والتفاهم تجاه التوجهات الجنسية والهويات الجنسية المختلفة نحن نسعى جاهدين لرفع مستوى الوعي وتثقيف الجمهور حول تنوع التوجهات والهويات الجنسية هدفنا هو تعزيز منظور شامل حول التوجهات والهويات الجنسية في المجتمع


Support for Disabilities

We design educational and support programs that cater to individuals with physical or cognitive disabilities. Our projects aim to provide specialized education and create opportunities for disabled individuals to participate in education, employment, and social activities. We also work towards improving accessibility and equal opportunities for disabled individuals in society.

Awareness & Inclusion

Our association promotes inclusive approaches in education by encouraging the participation of diverse groups. We organize educational programs and projects that highlight the value of embracing diversity in our society. Through awareness-raising events and campaigns, we advocate for an environment of tolerance and respect, fostering a sense of inclusivity within the community.