WINNER Training Session 1
The first session of the WINNER participant trainings was held in an environment where participants had the opportunity to interact face-to-face. During this valuable session, the Module 1 and Module 2 training materials, which are the cornerstones of the training program, were discussed comprehensively, taking into account the needs and goals of female entrepreneur candidates. During the training, Module 1 and Module 2 training materials, which will guide the participants on their entrepreneurship journey, were presented with great care and a detailed approach.
Participants had the opportunity to understand the topics in depth through interactive sessions throughout the training. They were provided with an effective platform to answer questions, share experiences and learn from each other. In this way, participants not only had the opportunity to learn the training materials in detail, but also to build strong ties with each other and expand their networks.
The first session of the WINNER participant trainings was an unforgettable experience for the aspiring women entrepreneurs. This session, in which Module 1 and Module 2 training materials were explained in a comprehensive and detailed manner, contributed to strengthening the knowledge and skills of the participants in the field of entrepreneurship.
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