RESILIENT RESPONDERS: Psychological Resilience and Support for Personnel in Charge after Natural Disasters. We are pleased to introduce the inaugural newsletter of the Resilient Responders Project. This Erasmus+ initiative is dedicated to advancing the psychological resilience of disaster response personnel through the development of evidence-based training programs, effective stress management frameworks, and accessible digital resources. The […]


Within the scope of the Erasmus+ Program – Strategic Partnership – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Increase the Capacity of Migrant and Refugees in Agriculture Sector (CAMRAS) 2022-1-TR01-KA220-VET-000089931 Project which is carried out by leadership of Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University (KSU) and Trend Education NGO (TENGO) as a partner. The Multiplier […]

Final Meeting of CAMRAS Project was Held

The final meeting of CAMRAS project was held in Larisa, Greece between 29 October – 1 November 2024 within the scope of the ‘Increase The Capacity of Migrant and Refugees in Agriculture Sector-CAMRAS’ project, which is being carried out within the scope of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships Vocational Training Program (KA220-VET-000089931) under the coordination of Kahramanmaraş […]

“Resilient Responders” Dissemination Activity

The dissemination activity of the project titled “RESILIENT RESPONDERS: Psychological Resilience and Support for Personnel in Charge after Natural Disasters” was held on October 14, 2024, in Kahramanmaraş. This project, supported under the Erasmus+ KA2_220 Cooperation Partnerships in Adult Education, was represented by Dr. Zeynep Elçin Kamalak, the project coordinator, on behalf of TENGO. During […]

“The Resilient Responders” Kick-off Meeting

The kick-off meeting of “The Resilient Responders” project, led by Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University (KSÜ) and TREND Education NGO (TENGO), and supported under the Erasmus+ KA2_220 Cooperation Partnerships in Adult Education activity, was successfully held on July 30-31, 2024. Representing Türkiye in this important project, TREND Education NGO (TENGO) plays critical roles in protecting the […]

CAMRAS Newsletter 2

Welcome to CAMRAS project’s second newsletter! As the CAMRAS team, we are excited to introduce you to our journey towards project activities and results created by the CAMRAS project partners. The new agricultural learning materials will be available for migrants and refugees (M/Rs) who are interested in farming and agricultural practices. The comprehensive learning materials […]

CAMRAS 3rd Transnational Meeting

Increase The Capacity of Migrant and Refugees in Agriculture Sector-CAMRAS’ coordinated by Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University and Trend Education NGO (TENGO) within the scope of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships Vocational Education Program (KA220-VET-000089931), the 3rd transnational meeting of the project was held in Huelva, Spain on April 16-18 The project meeting was hosted by Spain partner […]

2nd Workshop Event of the CAMRAS Project

Within the scope of the Erasmus+ Program Cooperation Partnerships in Vocational Education and Training, Increase the Capacity of Migrant and Refugees in Agriculture Sector (CAMRAS) 2022-1-TR01-KA220-VET-000089931 Project which is carried out under the leadership of Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University (KSU) and Trend Educitaon NGO (TENGO) participated as a partner. The 2nd Workshop was launched on […]

Camras Second TPM in Amsterdam

The 2nd transnational meeting of the “Increase The Capacity of Migrant And Refugees in Agriculture Sector” project, coordinated by Kahramanmaraş Sütçü Imam University and in partnership with Trend Education NGO, was held in Amsterdam, Netherlands on October 9-13. Agenda: The overall objectives of the meeting were to check the literature review of each country, analysis […]


Increase the Capacıty of Mıgrant and Refugees in Agrıculture Sector: The CAMRAS Project The overall objectives of the CAMRAS project are to provide professional training to Migrants and Refugees (M/R), enable better employment opportunities and living conditions, and develop the knowledge, skills and capacity to help fast-track integration to hosted communities. The specific goals of […]